Produkt zum Begriff Design-Patterns:
Design Patterns
Design Patterns , Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently. , > , Auflage: 1st ed., Reprint, Erscheinungsjahr: 199512, Produktform: Leinen, Titel der Reihe: Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series##, Auflage/Ausgabe: 1st ed., Reprint, Abbildungen: Zahlr. Abb., Tab., Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Programming / Object Oriented, Fachschema: Objektorientiert (EDV)~Pattern (EDV)~Mustererkennung~Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz~KI~Künstliche Intelligenz - AI, Fachkategorie: Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP)~Aspektorientierte Programmierung~Programmiertechniken~Mustererkennung~Maschinelles Sehen, Bildverstehen, Imprint-Titels: Pearson Professional, Warengruppe: HC/Informatik, Fachkategorie: Objektorientiertes Software Engineering, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: eng, Seitenanzahl: XII, Seitenanzahl: 395, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Prentice Hall, Verlag: Prentice Hall, Verlag: Pearson Education Limited, Länge: 242, Breite: 199, Höhe: 30, Gewicht: 1018, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0100, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 41710
Preis: 46.59 € | Versand*: 0 € -
SOA Design Patterns
In cooperation with experts and practitioners throughout the SOA community, best-selling author Thomas Erl brings together the de facto catalog of design patterns for SOA and service-orientation. More than three years in development and subjected to numerous industry reviews, the 85 patterns in this full-color book provide the most successful and proven design techniques to overcoming the most common and critical problems to achieving modern-day SOA. Through numerous examples, individually documented pattern profiles, and over 400 color illustrations, this book provides in-depth coverage of: • Patterns for the design, implementation, and governance of service inventories–collections of services representing individual service portfolios that can be independently modeled, designed, and evolved. • Patterns specific to service-level architecture which pertain to a wide range of design areas, including contract design, security, legacy encapsulation, reliability, scalability, and a variety of implementation and governance issues. • Service composition patterns that address the many aspects associated with combining services into aggregate distributed solutions, including topics such as runtime messaging and message design, inter-service security controls, and transformation. • Compound patterns (such as Enterprise Service Bus and Orchestration) and recommended pattern application sequences that establish foundational processes. The book begins by establishing SOA types that are referenced throughout the patterns and then form the basis of a final chapter that discusses the architectural impact of service-oriented computing in general. These chapters bookend the pattern catalog to provide a clear link between SOA design patterns, the strategic goals of service-oriented computing, different SOA types, and the service-orientation design paradigm. This book series is further supported by a series of resources sites, including,,,, and
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Elemental Design Patterns
2012 Jolt Award Finalist! Even experienced software professionals find it difficult to apply patterns in ways that deliver substantial value to their organizations. In Elemental Design Patterns, Jason McC. Smith addresses this problem head-on, helping developers harness the true power of patterns, map them to real software implementations more cleanly and directly, and achieve far better results. Part tutorial, part example-rich cookbook, this resource will help developers, designers, architects, and analysts successfully use patterns with a wide variety of languages, environments, and problem domains. Every bit as important, it will give them a deeper appreciation for the work they’ve chosen to pursue. Smith presents the crucial missing link that patterns practitioners have needed: a foundational collection of simple core patterns that are broken down to their core elements. If you work in software, you may already be using some of these elemental design patterns every day. Presenting them in a comprehensive methodology for the first time, Smith names them, describes them, explains their importance, helps you compare and choose among them, and offers a framework for using them together. He also introduces an innovative Pattern Instance Notation diagramming system that makes it easier to work with patterns at many levels of granularity, regardless of your goals or role. If you’re new to patterns, this example-rich approach will help you master them piece by piece, logically and intuitively. If you’re an experienced patterns practitioner, Smith follows the Gang of Four format you’re already familiar with, explains how his elemental patterns can be composed into conventional design patterns, and introduces highly productive new ways to apply ideas you’ve already encountered. No matter what your level of experience, this infinitely practical book will help you transform abstract patterns into high-value solutions.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
API Design Patterns
Modern software systems are composed of many servers, services, and other components that communicate through APIs. As a developer, your job is to make sure these APIs are stable, reliable, and easy to use for other developers. API Design Patterns provides you with a unique catalog of design standards and best practices to ensure your APIs are flexible and user-friendly. Fully illustrated with examples and relevant use-cases, this essential guide covers patterns for API fundamentals and real-world system designs, along with quite a few not-so-common scenarios and edge-cases.about the technologyAPI design patterns are a useful set of best practice specifications and common solutions to API design challenges. Using accepted design patterns creates a shared language amongst developers who create and consume APIs, which is especially critical given the explosion of mission-critical public-facing web APIs. API Patterns are still being developed and discovered. This collection, gathered and tested by Google API expert JJ Geewax, is the first of its kind.about the bookAPI Design Patterns draws on the collected wisdom of the API community, including the internal developer knowledge base at Google, laying out an innovative set of design patterns for developing both internal and public-facing APIs. In this essential guide, Google Software Engineer JJ Geewax provides a unique and authoritative catalog of patterns that promote flexibility and ease-of-use in your APIs. Each pattern in the catalog is fully illustrated with its own example API, use-cases for solving common API design challenges, and scenarios for tricky edge issues using a pattern’s more subtle features. With the best practices laid out in this book, you can ensure your APIs are adaptive in the face of change and easy for your clients to incorporate into their projects. what's insideA full case-study of building an API and adding featuresThe guiding principles that underpin most API patternsFundamental patterns for resource layout and namingAdvanced patterns for special interactions and data transformationsabout the readerAimed at software developers with experience using APIs, who want to start building their own.about the authorJJ Geewax is a software engineer at Google, focusing on Google Cloud Platform and API design. He is also the author of Google Cloud Platform in Action.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind die grundlegenden Konzepte des MVC (Model-View-Controller) Design Patterns und wie können sie in der Softwareentwicklung eingesetzt werden?
Das MVC Design Pattern trennt die Anwendungslogik (Model), die Benutzeroberfläche (View) und die Benutzerinteraktion (Controller) voneinander. Durch diese Trennung wird der Code übersichtlicher, wartbarer und wiederverwendbarer. Entwickler können sich auf spezifische Aufgaben konzentrieren, ohne sich um die anderen Teile der Anwendung kümmern zu müssen.
Welche technologischen Fortschritte haben dazu beigetragen, dass 3D-Scanner in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Medizin, Architektur, Design und Fertigung eingesetzt werden?
3D-Scanner haben sich durch technologische Fortschritte wie die Entwicklung leistungsstarker Kameras und Sensoren sowie fortschrittlicher Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen verbessert. Diese Fortschritte ermöglichen es den 3D-Scannern, präzise und detaillierte 3D-Modelle von Objekten zu erstellen, die in verschiedenen Branchen nützlich sind. In der Medizin können 3D-Scanner zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Prothesen und Implantate verwendet werden, während sie in der Architektur und im Design für die Erstellung präziser Modelle und Prototypen eingesetzt werden. In der Fertigung können 3D-Scanner zur Qualitätskontrolle, Inspektion und Reverse Engineering eingesetzt werden, um die Effizienz und Genauigkeit zu verbessern.
Was macht ein Design zeitlos und warum ist zeitloses Design so wichtig?
Ein Design wird zeitlos, wenn es klare Linien, einfache Formen und eine neutrale Farbpalette aufweist. Zeitloses Design ist wichtig, da es langlebig ist, sich nicht schnell veraltet und somit eine nachhaltige Investition darstellt. Es spricht ein breites Publikum an und passt sich verschiedenen Stilen und Trends an.
Welche OBD-Scanner Modelle eignen sich am besten für die Diagnose von Fahrzeugen?
Die besten OBD-Scanner Modelle für die Fahrzeugdiagnose sind die professionellen Geräte von Marken wie Autel, Launch und Innova. Sie bieten eine breite Palette von Funktionen und Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen Fahrzeugmarken. Zudem sind sie einfach zu bedienen und liefern genaue Diagnoseergebnisse.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Design-Patterns:
Deep Learning Design Patterns
Deep learning has revealed ways to create algorithms for applications that we never dreamed were possible. For software developers, the challenge lies in taking cutting-edge technologies from R&D labs through to production. Deep Learning Design Patterns is here to help. In it, you'll find deep learning models presented in a unique new way: as extendable design patterns you can easily plug-and-play into your software projects. Written by Google deep learning expert Andrew Ferlitsch, it's filled with the latest deep learning insights and best practices from his work with Google Cloud AI. Each valuable technique is presented in a way that's easy to understand and filled with accessible diagrams and code samples.about the technologyYou don't need to design your deep learning applications from scratch! By viewing cutting-edge deep learning models as design patterns, developers can speed up their creation of AI models and improve model understandability for both themselves and other users.about the bookDeep Learning Design Patterns distills models from the latest research papers into practical design patterns applicable to enterprise AI projects. Using diagrams, code samples, and easy-to-understand language, Google Cloud AI expert Andrew Ferlitsch shares insights from state-of-the-art neural networks. You'll learn how to integrate design patterns into deep learning systems from some amazing examples, including a real-estate program that can evaluate house prices just from uploaded photos and a speaking AI capable of delivering live sports broadcasting. Building on your existing deep learning knowledge, you'll quickly learn to incorporate the very latest models and techniques into your apps as idiomatic, composable, and reusable design patterns. what's insideInternal functioning of modern convolutional neural networksProcedural reuse design pattern for CNN architecturesModels for mobile and IoT devicesComposable design pattern for automatic learning methodsAssembling large-scale model deploymentsComplete code samples and example notebooksAccompanying YouTube videosabout the readerFor machine learning engineers familiar with Python and deep learning.about the authorAndrew Ferlitsch is an expert on computer vision and deep learning at Google Cloud AI Developer Relations. He was formerly a principal research scientist for 20 years at Sharp Corporation of Japan, where he amassed 115 US patents and worked on emerging technologies in telepresence, augmented reality, digital signage, and autonomous vehicles. In his present role, he reaches out to developer communities, corporations and universities, teaching deep learning and evangelizing Google's AI technologies.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Design Patterns in Java
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.Design Patterns in Java™ gives you the hands-on practice and deep insight you need to fully leverage the significant power of design patterns in any Java software project. The perfect complement to the classic Design Patterns, this learn-by-doing workbook applies the latest Java features and best practices to all of the original 23 patterns identified in that groundbreaking text.Drawing on their extensive experience as Java instructors and programmers, Steve Metsker and Bill Wake illuminate each pattern with real Java programs, clear UML diagrams, and compelling exercises. You'll move quickly from theory to application—learning how to improve new code and refactor existing code for simplicity, manageability, and performance. Coverage includesUsing Adapter to provide consistent interfaces to clients Using Facade to simplify the use of reusable toolkits Understanding the role of Bridge in Java database connectivityThe Observer pattern, Model-View-Controller, and GUI behaviorJava Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and the Proxy patternStreamlining designs using the Chain of Responsibility patternUsing patterns to go beyond Java's built-in constructor features Implementing Undo capabilities with Memento Using the State pattern to manage state more cleanly and simplyOptimizing existing codebases with extension patternsProviding thread-safe iteration with the Iterator patternUsing Visitor to define new operations without changing hierarchy classesIf you're a Java programmer wanting to save time while writing better code, this book's techniques, tips, and clear explanations and examples will help you harness the power of patterns to improve every program you write, design, or maintain.All source code is available for download at
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Cloud Computing Design Patterns
“This book continues the very high standard we have come to expect from ServiceTech Press. The book provides well-explained vendor-agnostic patterns to the challenges of providing or using cloud solutions from PaaS to SaaS. The book is not only a great patterns reference, but also worth reading from cover to cover as the patterns are thought-provoking, drawing out points that you should consider and ask of a potential vendor if you’re adopting a cloud solution.”--Phil Wilkins, Enterprise Integration Architect, Specsavers“Thomas Erl’s text provides a unique and comprehensive perspective on cloud design patterns that is clearly and concisely explained for the technical professional and layman alike. It is an informative, knowledgeable, and powerful insight that may guide cloud experts in achieving extraordinary results based on extraordinary expertise identified in this text. I will use this text as a resource in future cloud designs and architectural considerations.”--Dr. Nancy M. Landreville, CEO/CISO, NML Computer ConsultingThe Definitive Guide to Cloud Architecture and DesignBest-selling service technology author Thomas Erl has brought together the de facto catalog of design patterns for modern cloud-based architecture and solution design. More than two years in development, this book’s 100+ patterns illustrate proven solutions to common cloud challenges and requirements. Its patterns are supported by rich, visual documentation, including 300+ diagrams.The authors address topics covering scalability, elasticity, reliability, resiliency, recovery, data management, storage, virtualization, monitoring, provisioning, administration, and much more. Readers will further find detailed coverage of cloud security, from networking and storage safeguards to identity systems, trust assurance, and auditing.This book’s unprecedented technical depth makes it a must-have resource for every cloud technology architect, solution designer, developer, administrator, and manager.Topic AreasEnabling ubiquitous, on-demand, scalable network access to shared pools of configurable IT resourcesOptimizing multitenant environments to efficiently serve multiple unpredictable consumersUsing elasticity best practices to scale IT resources transparently and automatically Ensuring runtime reliability, operational resiliency, and automated recovery from any failureEstablishing resilient cloud architectures that act as pillars for enterprise cloud solutionsRapidly provisioning cloud storage devices, resources, and data with minimal management effortEnabling customers to configure and operate custom virtual networks in SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS environmentsEfficiently provisioning resources, monitoring runtimes, and handling day-to-day administrationImplementing best-practice security controls for cloud service architectures and cloud storageSecuring on-premise Internet access, external cloud connections, and scaled VMsProtecting cloud services against denial-of-service attacks and traffic hijackingEstablishing cloud authentication gateways, federated cloud authentication, and cloud key managementProviding trust attestation services to customersMonitoring and independently auditing cloud securitySolving complex cloud design problems with compound super-patterns
Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Design Patterns in Ruby
Praise for Design Patterns in Ruby"Design Patterns in Ruby documents smart ways to resolve many problems that Ruby developers commonly encounter. Russ Olsen has done a great job of selecting classic patterns and augmenting these with newer patterns that have special relevance for Ruby. He clearly explains each idea, making a wealth of experience available to Ruby developers for their own daily work."—Steve Metsker, Managing Consultant with Dominion Digital, Inc."This book provides a great demonstration of the key 'Gang of Four' design patterns without resorting to overly technical explanations. Written in a precise, yet almost informal style, this book covers enough ground that even those without prior exposure to design patterns will soon feel confident applying them using Ruby. Olsen has done a great job to make a book about a classically 'dry' subject into such an engaging and even occasionally humorous read."—Peter Cooper"This book renewed my interest in understanding patterns after a decade of good intentions. Russ picked the most useful patterns for Ruby and introduced them in a straightforward and logical manner, going beyond the GoF's patterns. This book has improved my use of Ruby, and encouraged me to blow off the dust covering the GoF book."—Mike Stok"Design Patterns in Ruby is a great way for programmers from statically typed objectoriented languages to learn how design patterns appear in a more dynamic, flexible language like Ruby."—Rob Sanheim, Ruby Ninja, RelevanceMost design pattern books are based on C++ and Java. But Ruby is different—and the language's unique qualities make design patterns easier to implement and use. In this book, Russ Olsen demonstrates how to combine Ruby's power and elegance with patterns, and write more sophisticated, effective software with far fewer lines of code.After reviewing the history, concepts, and goals of design patterns, Olsen offers a quick tour of the Ruby language—enough to allow any experienced software developer to immediately utilize patterns with Ruby. The book especially calls attention to Ruby features that simplify the use of patterns, including dynamic typing, code closures, and "mixins" for easier code reuse.Fourteen of the classic "Gang of Four" patterns are considered from the Ruby point of view, explaining what problems each pattern solves, discussing whether traditional implementations make sense in the Ruby environment, and introducing Ruby-specific improvements. You'll discover opportunities to implement patterns in just one or two lines of code, instead of the endlessly repeated boilerplate that conventional languages often require.Design Patterns in Ruby also identifies innovative new patterns that have emerged from the Ruby community. These include ways to create custom objects with metaprogramming, as well as the ambitious Rails-based "Convention Over Configuration" pattern, designed to help integrate entire applications and frameworks.Engaging, practical, and accessible, Design Patterns in Ruby will help you build better software while making your Ruby programming experience more rewarding.
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist Bauhaus Design?
Was ist Bauhaus Design? Bauhaus Design ist ein Stil, der in den 1920er Jahren in Deutschland entstand und sich durch klare Linien, geometrische Formen und Funktionalität auszeichnet. Es wurde von der Bauhaus-Schule geprägt, die Kunst, Handwerk und Technologie vereinte. Bauhaus Design war wegweisend für die moderne Architektur, Möbel- und Produktdesign und hatte einen großen Einfluss auf die Gestaltungswelt bis heute. Es betonte die Vereinigung von Kunst und Handwerk sowie die Schaffung von erschwinglichen, funktionalen und ästhetisch ansprechenden Objekten für den Alltag.
Was sind die wichtigsten Merkmale, die ein modernes Design von traditionellem Design unterscheiden?
Ein modernes Design zeichnet sich durch klare Linien, minimalistische Elemente und innovative Materialien aus. Im Gegensatz dazu ist traditionelles Design oft von Ornamenten, klassischen Formen und natürlichen Materialien geprägt. Moderne Designs sind oft funktionaler und zeitgemäßer, während traditionelle Designs oft auf historischen Stilen und kulturellen Einflüssen basieren.
Gefällt euch das Design?
Als KI habe ich keinen Geschmack oder eine Meinung, daher kann ich nicht sagen, ob mir das Design gefällt oder nicht. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass Design eine subjektive Angelegenheit ist und von Person zu Person unterschiedlich empfunden werden kann.
Wann macht Design Thinking Sinn?
Design Thinking macht Sinn, wenn ein Problem oder eine Herausforderung besteht, für die noch keine klare Lösung existiert. Es eignet sich besonders gut für komplexe Probleme, die kreatives und innovatives Denken erfordern. Zudem ist Design Thinking hilfreich, wenn verschiedene Perspektiven und Ideen zusammengebracht werden müssen, um eine ganzheitliche Lösung zu entwickeln. Es kann auch in Situationen angewendet werden, in denen Nutzerzentriertheit und Empathie wichtig sind, um die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Zielgruppe zu verstehen. Letztendlich macht Design Thinking Sinn, wenn ein iterativer Prozess gewünscht ist, der schnelles Lernen und Anpassen ermöglicht.
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