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Produkt zum Begriff Refactoring:

  • Refactoring to Patterns
    Refactoring to Patterns

    In 1994, Design Patterns changed the landscape of object-oriented development by introducing classic solutions to recurring design problems. In 1999, Refactoring revolutionized design by introducing an effective process for improving code. With the highly anticipated Refactoring to Patterns, Joshua Kerievsky has changed our approach to design by forever uniting patterns with the evolutionary process of refactoring. This book introduces the theory and practice of pattern-directed refactorings: sequences of low-level refactorings that allow designers to safely move designs to, towards, or away from pattern implementations. Using code from real-world projects, Kerievsky documents the thinking and steps underlying over two dozen pattern-based design transformations. Along the way he offers insights into pattern differences and how to implement patterns in the simplest possible ways. Coverage includes: A catalog of twenty-seven pattern-directed refactorings, featuring real-world code examples Descriptions of twelve design smells that indicate the need for this book’s refactorings General information and new insights about patterns and refactoring Detailed implementation mechanics: how low-level refactorings are combined to implement high-level patterns Multiple ways to implement the same pattern–and when to use each Practical ways to get started even if you have little experience with patterns or refactoring Refactoring to Patterns reflects three years of refinement and the insights of more than sixty software engineering thought leaders in the global patterns, refactoring, and agile development communities. Whether you’re focused on legacy or “greenfield” development, this book will make you a better software designer by helping you learn how to make important design changes safely and effectively.

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Refactoring: Ruby Edition
    Refactoring: Ruby Edition

    The Definitive Refactoring Guide, Fully Revamped for Ruby   With refactoring, programmers can transform even the most chaotic software into well-designed systems that are far easier to evolve and maintain. What’s more, they can do it one step at a time, through a series of simple, proven steps. Now, there’s an authoritative and extensively updated version of Martin Fowler’s classic refactoring book that utilizes Ruby examples and idioms throughout–not code adapted from Java or any other environment.   The authors introduce a detailed catalog of more than 70 proven Ruby refactorings, with specific guidance on when to apply each of them, step-by-step instructions for using them, and example code illustrating how they work. Many of the authors’ refactorings use powerful Ruby-specific features, and all code samples are available for download.   Leveraging Fowler’s original concepts, the authors show how to perform refactoring in a controlled, efficient, incremental manner, so you methodically improve your code’s structure without introducing new bugs. Whatever your role in writing or maintaining Ruby code, this book will be an indispensable resource.   This book will help you Understand the core principles of refactoring and the reasons for doing it Recognize “bad smells” in your Ruby code Rework bad designs into well-designed code, one step at a time Build tests to make sure your refactorings work properly Understand the challenges of refactoring and how they can be overcome Compose methods to package code properly Move features between objects to place responsibilities where they fit best Organize data to make it easier to work with Simplify conditional expressions and make more effective use of polymorphism Create interfaces that are easier to understand and use Generalize more effectively Perform larger refactorings that transform entire software systems and may take months or years Successfully refactor Ruby on Rails code

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • FNIRSI FD10 Auto Fehlerdetektor OBD2 Scanner
    FNIRSI FD10 Auto Fehlerdetektor OBD2 Scanner

    FNIRSI FD10 Auto Fehlerdetektor OBD2 Scanner

    Preis: 16.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design
    Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design

    Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects–helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first time, leading agile methodologist Scott Ambler and renowned consultant Pramodkumar Sadalage introduce powerful refactoring techniques specifically designed for database systems.   Ambler and Sadalage demonstrate how small changes to table structures, data, stored procedures, and triggers can significantly enhance virtually any database design–without changing semantics. You’ll learn how to evolve database schemas in step with source code–and become far more effective in projects relying on iterative, agile methodologies.   This comprehensive guide and reference helps you overcome the practical obstacles to refactoring real-world databases by covering every fundamental concept underlying database refactoring. Using start-to-finish examples, the authors walk you through refactoring simple standalone database applications as well as sophisticated multi-application scenarios. You’ll master every task involved in refactoring database schemas, and discover best practices for deploying refactorings in even the most complex production environments.   The second half of this book systematically covers five major categories of database refactorings. You’ll learn how to use refactoring to enhance database structure, data quality, and referential integrity; and how to refactor both architectures and methods. This book provides an extensive set of examples built with Oracle and Java and easily adaptable for other languages, such as C#, C++, or VB.NET, and other databases, such as DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, and Sybase.   Using this book’s techniques and examples, you can reduce waste, rework, risk, and cost–and build database systems capable of evolving smoothly, far into the future.

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche OBD-Scanner Modelle eignen sich am besten für die Diagnose von Fahrzeugen?

    Die besten OBD-Scanner Modelle für die Fahrzeugdiagnose sind die professionellen Geräte von Marken wie Autel, Launch und Innova. Sie bieten eine breite Palette von Funktionen und Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen Fahrzeugmarken. Zudem sind sie einfach zu bedienen und liefern genaue Diagnoseergebnisse.

  • Wie funktioniert ein OBD-Scanner und welche Vorteile bietet er bei der Diagnose von Fahrzeugproblemen?

    Ein OBD-Scanner wird an den OBD-II-Port des Fahrzeugs angeschlossen und liest Fehlercodes aus dem Bordcomputer. Diese Codes geben Aufschluss über mögliche Probleme im Fahrzeug. Die Vorteile eines OBD-Scanners sind eine schnelle und präzise Diagnose von Fahrzeugproblemen, die Kostenersparnis bei der Reparatur und die Möglichkeit, kleinere Probleme selbst zu beheben.

  • Wie kann man einen OBD-Scanner verwenden, um Fehlercodes in einem Fahrzeug auszulesen und zu interpretieren?

    1. Stecke den OBD-Scanner in den Diagnoseanschluss des Fahrzeugs, der sich normalerweise unter dem Armaturenbrett befindet. 2. Starte den Motor und warte, bis der Scanner die Fehlercodes ausliest. 3. Verwende das Handbuch des Scanners oder suche online nach der Bedeutung der Fehlercodes, um herauszufinden, was repariert werden muss.

  • Wie können moderne Technologien wie OBD-II-Scanner und Diagnose-Apps dabei helfen, Fahrzeugprobleme zu identifizieren und zu beheben?

    Moderne Technologien wie OBD-II-Scanner können Fahrzeugdaten in Echtzeit auslesen und Fehlercodes anzeigen, die auf Probleme im Fahrzeug hinweisen. Diagnose-Apps können diese Fehlercodes interpretieren und dem Benutzer helfen, die genaue Ursache des Problems zu identifizieren. Durch die Verwendung von OBD-II-Scannern und Diagnose-Apps können Fahrzeugprobleme frühzeitig erkannt und behoben werden, bevor sie zu größeren Schäden führen. Diese Technologien ermöglichen es auch Fahrzeugbesitzern, selbstständig kleinere Probleme zu diagnostizieren und gegebenenfalls selbst zu beheben, was Zeit und Geld spart.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Refactoring:

  • Refactoring to Agility (Digital Shortcut)
    Refactoring to Agility (Digital Shortcut)

    A Practical Framework for Gaining Agility’s Benefits Without the Risk   Agile methodologies, such as XP, Scrum, Crystal, and Lean Software Development enable development organizations to deliver higher-quality software far more rapidly. However, for the “non-agile” development organization, transitioning to agility is an enormous leap, requiring radically new skills and presenting profound risks.   In this book, leading agile practitioner Carol A. Wellington introduces the first systematic, three-phase process for moving smoothly to agility. Just as developers have learned to refactor code to improve performance and maintainability, Wellington shows how to refactor processes to improve agility.   Using Wellington’s framework, you can gradually move toward agility, while maintaining full control and avoiding disruption. You’ll lay a solid foundation for agility, and then refactor more and more of your processes, systematically introducing agility wherever it delivers compelling value. You can retain current processes that work, and implement the best agile methods for your organization, regardless of their source. This practical approach can help you build organizational confidence in agility, drive measurable benefits, and minimize risk every step of the way.   Coverage includes   ·        Phase 1: Time-boxed iterations that deliver customer-visible functionality–not just components ·        Phase 2: A lightweight measurement process to detect problems and evaluate changes withoutwasting too much time gathering and analyzing data ·        Phase 3: Identifying your worst process “smells,” uncovering their true underlying causes, and fixing them ·        Incrementally bringing agility to planning, estimation, analysis, design, development, and process management ·        Eliminating tasks and processes that don’t add value ·        Overcoming pitfalls and hidden interconnections that complicate your agile transition ·        Learning to lead the transition to agility, gaining buy-in from team members, customers, and executives   Whatever your role, organization, or current methodology, Refactoring to Agility can help you reap powerful value from agile methods–without the risks.   Dr. Carol A. Wellington is a professor of computer science and the department chair at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. Prior to this position, she was a leader in large software development organizations, building operating systems and real-time embedded applications. Dr. Wellington currently uses this combination of academic and industrial experience as a consultant to help companies question their assumptions about development processes to improve their agility and product quality.  

    Preis: 9.62 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code
    xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code

    This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. Automated testing is a cornerstone of agile development. An effective testing strategy will deliver new functionality more aggressively, accelerate user feedback, and improve quality. However, for many developers, creating effective automated tests is a unique and unfamiliar challenge.xUnit Test Patterns is the definitive guide to writing automated tests using xUnit, the most popular unit testing framework in use today. Agile coach and test automation expert Gerard Meszaros describes 68 proven patterns for making tests easier to write, understand, and maintain. He then shows you how to make them more robust and repeatable--and far more cost-effective.Loaded with information, this book feels like three books in one. The first part is a detailed tutorial on test automation that covers everything from test strategy to in-depth test coding. The second part, a catalog of 18 frequently encountered "test smells," provides trouble-shooting guidelines to help you determine the root cause of problems and the most applicable patterns. The third part contains detailed descriptions of each pattern, including refactoring instructions illustrated by extensive code samples in multiple programming languages.Topics covered include Writing better tests--and writing them faster The four phases of automated tests: fixture setup, exercising the system under test, result verification, and fixture teardown Improving test coverage by isolating software from its environment using Test Stubs and Mock Objects Designing software for greater testability Using test "smells" (including code smells, behavior smells, and project smells) to spot problems and know when and how to eliminate them Refactoring tests for greater simplicity, robustness, and execution speedThis book will benefit developers, managers, and testers working with any agile or conventional development process, whether doing test-driven development or writing the tests last. While the patterns and smells are especially applicable to all members of the xUnit family, they also apply to next-generation behavior-driven development frameworks such as RSpec and JBehave and to other kinds of test automation tools, including recorded test tools and data-driven test tools such as Fit and FitNesse. Visual Summary of the Pattern Language  Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Refactoring a Test PART I: The Narratives Chapter 1 A Brief Tour Chapter 2 Test Smells Chapter 3 Goals of Test Automation Chapter 4 Philosophy of Test Automation Chapter 5 Principles of Test Automation Chapter 6 Test Automation Strategy Chapter 7 xUnit Basics Chapter 8 Transient Fixture Management Chapter 9 Persistent Fixture Management Chapter 10 Result Verification Chapter 11 Using Test Doubles Chapter 12 Organizing Our Tests Chapter 13 Testing with Databases Chapter 14 A Roadmap to Effective Test Automation PART II: The Test Smells  Chapter 15 Code Smells Chapter 16 Behavior Smells Chapter 17 Project Smells PART III: The Patterns  Chapter 18 Test Strategy Patterns Chapter 19 xUnit Basics Patterns Chapter 20 Fixture Setup Patterns Chapter 21 Result Verification Patterns Chapter 22 Fixture Teardown Patterns Chapter 23 Test Double Patterns Chapter 24 Test Organization Patterns Chapter 25 Database Patterns Chapter 26 Design-for-Testability Patterns Chapter 27 Value Patterns PART IV: Appendixes Appendix A Test Refactorings   Appendix B xUnit Terminology  Appendix C xUnit Family Members Appendix D Tools Appendix E Goals and Principles Appendix F Smells, Aliases, and Causes Appendix G Patterns, Aliases, and Variations Glossary References  Index 

    Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
    Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

    "Whenever you read [Refactoring], it’s time to read it again. And if you haven’t read it yet, please do before writing another line of code."–David Heinemeier Hansson, Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at BasecampFully Revised and Updated—Includes New Refactorings and Code Examples “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” –M. Fowler (1999)For more than twenty years, experienced programmers worldwide have relied on Martin Fowler’s Refactoring to improve the design of existing code and to enhance software maintainability, as well as to make existing code easier to understand. This eagerly awaited new edition has been fully updated to reflect crucial changes in the programming landscape. Refactoring, Second Edition, features an updated catalog of refactorings and includes JavaScript code examples, as well as new functional examples that demonstrate refactoring without classes. Like the original, this edition explains what refactoring is; why you should refactor; how to recognize code that needs refactoring; and how to actually do it successfully, no matter what language you use.Understand the process and general principles of refactoringQuickly apply useful refactorings to make a program easier to comprehend and changeRecognize “bad smells” in code that signal opportunities to refactorExplore the refactorings, each with explanations, motivation, mechanics, and simple examplesBuild solid tests for your refactoringsRecognize tradeoffs and obstacles to refactoring Includes free access to the canonical web edition, with even more refactoring resources. (See inside the book for details about how to access the web edition.)

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Refactoring to Patterns
    Refactoring to Patterns

    This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.In 1994, Design Patterns changed the landscape of object-oriented development by introducing classic solutions to recurring design problems. In 1999, Refactoring revolutionized design by introducing an effective process for improving code. With the highly anticipated Refactoring to Patterns, Joshua Kerievsky has changed our approach to design by forever uniting patterns with the evolutionary process of refactoring.This book introduces the theory and practice of pattern-directed refactorings: sequences of low-level refactorings that allow designers to safely move designs to, towards, or away from pattern implementations. Using code from real-world projects, Kerievsky documents the thinking and steps underlying over two dozen pattern-based design transformations. Along the way he offers insights into pattern differences and how to implement patterns in the simplest possible ways.Coverage includes: A catalog of twenty-seven pattern-directed refactorings, featuring real-world code examplesDescriptions of twelve design smells that indicate the need for this book’s refactoringsGeneral information and new insights about patterns and refactoringDetailed implementation mechanics: how low-level refactorings are combined to implement high-level patternsMultiple ways to implement the same pattern—and when to use eachPractical ways to get started even if you have little experience with patterns or refactoringRefactoring to Patterns reflects three years of refinement and the insights of more than sixty software engineering thought leaders in the global patterns, refactoring, and agile development communities. Whether you’re focused on legacy or “greenfield” development, this book will make you a better software designer by helping you learn how to make important design changes safely and effectively.

    Preis: 42.79 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Ist es in Ordnung, dass mein Auto in der Werkstatt ist und ich den Fahrzeugschein im Auto gelassen habe?

    Es ist generell nicht ideal, den Fahrzeugschein im Auto zu lassen, insbesondere wenn das Fahrzeug in der Werkstatt ist. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Unbefugte Zugriff auf den Fahrzeugschein haben könnten. Es ist ratsam, den Fahrzeugschein immer bei sich zu tragen oder an einem sicheren Ort aufzubewahren.

  • Wie löse ich ein Problem mit meinem Auto, wenn ich keine Werkstatt aufsuchen kann oder will?

    1. Überprüfe zuerst die Ursache des Problems, indem du das Handbuch des Autos konsultierst oder online recherchierst. 2. Versuche, das Problem selbst zu beheben, indem du einfache Reparaturen wie das Wechseln eines Reifens oder das Nachfüllen von Flüssigkeiten durchführst. 3. Wenn das Problem komplexer ist, frage Freunde oder Familie um Hilfe oder kontaktiere einen mobilen Mechaniker, der zu dir nach Hause kommt.

  • Wie oft sollte man sein Fahrzeug zur Inspektion und Wartung in die Werkstatt bringen, um die Fahrzeuglebensdauer zu verlängern?

    Es wird empfohlen, das Fahrzeug alle 12 Monate oder alle 15.000 Kilometer zur Inspektion und Wartung in die Werkstatt zu bringen. Regelmäßige Wartung hilft, potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu beheben, was die Lebensdauer des Fahrzeugs verlängern kann. Eine regelmäßige Inspektion und Wartung kann auch dazu beitragen, den Wiederverkaufswert des Fahrzeugs zu erhalten.

  • Was sind gute Drucker und Scanner?

    Es gibt viele gute Drucker und Scanner auf dem Markt, die auf unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Zu den beliebten Marken gehören Canon, Epson, HP und Brother. Es ist wichtig, die spezifischen Anforderungen zu berücksichtigen, wie z.B. die gewünschte Druckqualität, die benötigte Geschwindigkeit und die Art der zu scannenden Dokumente, um den besten Drucker oder Scanner auszuwählen. Es kann auch hilfreich sein, Bewertungen und Empfehlungen von anderen Benutzern zu lesen, um eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen.

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